Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 3 Progress

Yesterday's results(Day 3)

1. Work out hard cardio and strength training -- Ran 3 miles, chest and biceps

Chest press DB 3 x 75lbs x 10 reps
Incline DB press 3 x 65 x 8 reps

Barbell curl 1 x 65lbs x 10 reps
1 x 75lbs x 8 reps
1 x 85lbs x 5 reps

DB Curls 4 x 30lbs x 10

2, Personal Development, listen to audio book/program for 30 minutes or read

I listened to Personal Power from TR for 2 hours in vehicle while traveling; listened to "New Masters of Marketing" for 1.5 hours on internet marketing/list building

3. Conduct 4 pre-scheduled sales calls

I held 3 pre-scheduled meetings - the last one was a large group presentation in which I pitched to two owners, their two sales mgrs, and 25 sales guys. I figure this is worth 4 calls total.

I think I've got the deal with my largest prospect for the year closed. I just need to follow through on some details with each location of the 3 they have and I'll get $500K in volume this year. Boo Yah!!

4. Make 10 prospecting calls

I completed 12 calls, and scheduled 4 meetings for this week and next

5. Blog daily

Did it

6. Write my book

Wrote 3 pages yesterday

7. Visualize twice daily my vision with passion and faith

Once in early morning, once in bed before I knocked out

8. Eat clean

5 egg whites scrambled with wheat toast
grilled chicken breast sand with wheat bread with lettuce and tomato
cereal for dinner
6 glasses of water

9. Build my marketing systems

Did not execute this Simple Discipline

Notes: Overall, was a fantastic day. I'm really able to see my vision, yet focus on the fundamentals I know will get me there. Becoming that guy is going to be the difference in following through and not following through.

The working out is tough right now, with a couple of banged up ribs(skiing). But, I just need to get to momentum. Momentum is where it's at, and I'm there in business, but not there in health and fitness. The only way to get to momentum is by taking massive action. So, here we are-another day. All we must do is lock in on that vision, believe in it, and get to work on the Simple Disciplines.

Flip the switch

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